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Free candidate for the BIA

To prepare for your exam:

1) Download the BIA manual

2) Use the resources of the CIRAS Montpellier website (video, teaching aids)

3) For the annals, here is the most complete site:

There are also many useful resources on screens:

For computer :

For smartphone : The QuizBIA application (available on the Play Store - Android)

This app is a fun review of the BIA modules. As the exam is a MCQ, the more you do, the more it gets into your head.

Then, you have to be curious about upcoming aeronautical news (anniversary, historical commemoration ...)

It is very important for topical issues.

Taking the "English" option gives additional points if the score is above average.

To better understand the plane and how it works, a discovery flight in a flying club would make it possible to fix the right things before the exam. (Cost = around € 80) .

In a practical way:

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In February: On the CIRAS site of your academy, you must register as a free candidate (Form + Identity card) to return the address indicated.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In April : You will receive the invitation for the exam taking place in mid-May

Good luck !


Composed of people from the aeronautical and educational sectors, backed by a network of renowned and quality partners (ENAC, Lycée Saint Exupéry, Old Ailes, Ligue de l'Enseignement, Airbus personnel, etc.), the association's ambition is to promote meetings and open exchanges between young people and the world of aeronautics by arousing vocations.


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© "A Piece of Blue Sky" - 2019 Webmaster: Raphaël LB

Member association of the Aéroclub de France.


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